This morning I took the trouble of going downtown for the sake of observing an angry feminist crowd proudly marching through the Second Long Street spraying insults on the walls of three modest sex shops and condemning the whole masculine population of the Earth for genetic inclination for violence against women. A few years ago (still fresh in Sweden and new to the subject) I happened to see them passing by followed by a detachment of mounted police. The absurdity of this concentrated anger was truly fascinating, but I didn’t have any camera with me to document my impressions. I was really reckoning with taking a few nice shots today. Of course, I wouldn’t take risks of approaching this female energy too close, but my 200 mm telephoto could let me keep away at a safe distance.
Alas, today even the most hardcore feminists apparently were defeated by the quiet fury of elements in a form of a nasty cold rain (or maybe tha’s the way the global economic crisis has its impact on spontaneous political engagement of masses). The Second Long Street was spookily empty, sex shops closed and perfectly intact. I am not totally cynical about the feminist cause, but I have never managed to skip irony wherever it justified, even regarding myself. So I fully sincerely hope for the better weather and stronger economy on the next March, 8. As Mao liked to say: “Let hundred flowers bloom…”